Dr. Dt. Sinem Yesil Isık

Dr. Dt. Sinem Yeşil Işık

Profil Details

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Dr. Dt. Sinem Yesil Isik was born in Edirne city in 1980 . She graduated from Istanbul University , Faculty of Dentistry in the year 2005 with a post graduate degree and began her doctoral program at Istanbul University , Institute of Health Sciences , the Department of Periodontology in 2005 .

Besides the applied clinical trainings , she also worked in the fields of immunology and genetics during her doctorate education. She graduated in 2011 by presenting her doctoral dissertion and was awarded the title of doctor and a ” Periodontology Specialist ” .

She worked as a periodontology specialist in a private clinic between the years of 2011-2020.

She has been working in the field of periodontal microsurgery , gum aesthetics ( pink aesthetics ), smile designing , gum arrangements before prosthesis, laser-supported dentistry , and has been following the international and the domestic congresses with an interest .

She is a member of the European Federation of Periodontology ( EFP ) and the Turkish Dental Association ( TDB ) .

Dr. Dt. Sinem Yesil Isik speaks English fluently .

She is a mother of one child .

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